Tailor-made special software for Online School and online training.
1. Login - monitoring in real time who has logged in or out of the system
2. Create a user from admin
3. Roles: Admin, Teachers, Student, Control (Monitors how the training of a given course or student is progressing)
4. Courses
5. Adding materials: uploading files and videos
6. Creating classes and attaching students to them
- attach files
- Setting exams
- Setting tests
- Practice
- Test review and grading
- Print tests
- Log-in history for a specific student by days and hours visible only for specific roles
- Backup
7. Teachers
- create, edit and delete
- Show which parallel or private student it is attached to
8. Controllers
- create, edit and delete
- Show which parallel or private student it is attached to
9. Independent students
- attach files
- Setting exams
- Setting tests
- Practice
- Test review and grading
- Print tests
- Login history for a specific student by days and hours visible only for specific roles
- Backup
10. Tests
- Create, edit, delete
- Test question types: A, B, C or Complete the word
11. Statistics of students or classes and export of everything in excel format
12. Uploaded files in the system with filters by students, classes and days - Shows exactly which file is attached to which at a given time
13. Public chat room for all students
14. Curriculum for the year
15. Archives of students and classes with the possibility of returning to the system
Responsive design of all public pages and admin panel pages as well.
Every project is made from scratch and for specific specification !
Used technologies: PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, jQUERY, Java Script