Custom site development for cleaning and handyman services in Ruse.
We, the team at Intelligent Web Solutions, designed a website for the Workers' Custom company to showcase their services in a professional manner, supported with detailed information and various visual elements. The company mainly specializes in providing cleaning and transportation services to its clients in the city of Ruse and the surrounding area, combining professionalism, efficiency and reliability. Their main mission is to always offer a quality and affordable service that makes the customers' everyday life easier.
Their services include basic cleaning, eco-cleaning, deep cleaning of carpets, mattresses and upholstered furniture, extraction laundry as well as transport solutions for homes and businesses. With a strong focus on honesty and impeccable execution, RABOOTYAG earns the trust of its clients through commitment, transparency and high standards. They also boast a charitable cause, thanks to which they use a percentage of turnover to improve various places in the city of Rousse and the surrounding area, helping people in need.
Specific responsive (customizable) administrative panel.
Creation of an internal network of links with specific needs and dependencies.
Functionality to change specific details like color, pictures, services, posts.
Additional SEO functionality for better search results in global search engines.
Work on site optimization (SEO) for better search ranking.
Used technologies:
Responsive design of all public pages and admin panel pages as well you can see and use on each device.
PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, jQUERY, Java Script, Framework